Meet and Greet with Dr. Afshan Hashmi
Hello Everyone,
This is your loving host and bestselling Author Dr.Afshan Hashmi with her talk show Meet and Greet with Dr.Afshan Hashmi.
In this Covid-19 era many are feeling depressed so this is an effort to chill out with some diet pepsi, tea or coffee. You will see me with either diet pepsi or tea or coffee in my beautiful lucky cup with my photograph. So do you have your soda/ tea/coffee ready. This show will broadcast every Thursday at 7 pm US Eastern time and the name of the show is Meet and Greet with Dr, Afshan Hashmi
This is TV talk show. Here you will get book reviews of my Glam and Glitzy book club. So some weeks we will read books and review them. We will have cosmetics and movies reviews. Talk about Bollywood and Hollywood. Even talk about women interests of fashion and lifestyle. We will even have fashion tips for our men friends and how to groom yourself. Will also talk about Alternative careers in Science. Who is hiring what jobs I saw. It will be a fun show with my decades of experience in media and all these topics I talk about. You will know me better and you can ask me any question. I like interacting with my viewers and lets keep the conversation going.
Meet and Greet with Dr. Afshan Hashmi is broadcast live Tuesdays at 5PM PT on K4HD Radio – Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com). Movie Reviews and More TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com).
Meet and Greet with Dr. Afshan Hashmi Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (www.talk4media.com), Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.