How Networking Can Help You Build a Stronger Business
Social media is a wonderful thing, it has opened new doors, expanded our global reach, and boosted our potential for creating positive change in the world to an amazing level. But, in my opinion, the one thing it can’t do is replace face-to-face interactions. According to the experts at HubSpot, “there isn’t a single technology that will replace the power of in-person relationship building.”
When researching this, I found an amazing infographic along with excerpts from Richard Branson’s blog that supports the importance of personal connections even more. (You can check it out HERE). While acknowledging the power and prevalence of digital communications and online social media, research shows that face-to-face conversations tend to be more positive, and perceived as more credible, than online conversations. Our body language, the inflection (or way we speak), is as important to the bottom line of the conversation as the actual words we use.
Bottom line, in-person conversations and communications build strong, better, relationships.
My good friend and networking expert Toni Caruso agrees. As the managing director of the eWomen Network in Calabasas, CA, and a networking and etiquette expert who is called on to speak and teach about just these subjects, she said she has seen a lot of “dos and don’ts” when it comes to relationship and business networking, such as:
Don’t think having a glass of wine and talking about family is networking for your business. There’s nothing wrong with this, but you’re creating personal relationships (friendships), instead of mutually beneficial business ones.
Do learn to make valuable business connections by asking the right questions and learning how to “Give” instead of “Sell” in your conversations. I notice that in social media and many in-person networking organizations it’s become no longer about how can I help you, but more about what you can do for me. That’s the wrong approach, what you should be asking is “How can I help you, what are you all about?”
I couldn’t agree more. Learning to navigate the social aspects of life will benefit you in any type of business, no matter what you decide to do. For myself, as I transitioned from building one business to the next, it was the connections I made and the professional relationships I built that carried me through and helped me find success each and every time.
To learn more about how to walk into a room, ask the right questions, and create connections that benefit everyone involved, check out my Dishing with Judith podcast featuring Toni Caruso by clicking HERE.
Do you have a networking strategy that works for you? A question that opens people up and helps to create immediate connections and in-depth conversations. I invite you to leave a comment here on the blog and share. Or send me an email at judith@judithmancini.com, I’d love to dish with you about it! ~ Judith
“Dishing With Judith” is broadcast live Fridays at 10am ET – 11am ET on K4HD – Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com ) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/)on the Talk 4 Media Network (http://www.talk4media.com/)
Connect with Judith
Email: dishingwithjudith@gmail.com | Web: www.dishingwithjudith.com | Twitter: @dishwithjudith | Facebook: @DishingWithJudith